April 12th 2013

12/04/2013 05:36

I just realized how much of an asshole I am ... Aidan was there for me.. through so much ... and after all that he got friendzoned .. Wow I'm such an ass. I guess it's not my fault tho.. I can't just force myself to like someone... but still poor Aidan I hope he finds a good girl. Nick is probably the best boyfriend ever. I've never felt this loved in a long time.. actually no I don't think I've ever felt this loved ever. He's truly the best. Handsdown. I really hope we last.. awhile causeI don't think I can go though another heartbreak again... or lose someone close to me again not lyke that. I can't stand losing people... it's my biggest pet peeve and weakness. If I lose him it's going to hurt.. alot... not as much as James obviously but it will hurt alot .. I am going quite attached to him and I'm entirely sure heart quite fond of me as well. He makes Mr incredibly happy. Words can't even describe how happy. He's just wonderful . Absolutely wonderful.