
12/02/2013 22:05

The fact that you thought you knew me, the fact you think that you had me all figured out... is how I knew that you have no idea who I was. Because if you knew me, if you really understood me.. you wouldn't have ever left under an circumstances. Unlike most people, I actually do truly care, unlike most, I'm fucken honest. I can't even comprehend you're reason of being. Why in the world would you use revenge on me by getting head by random chicks? Does that make you a better person? Does that make me want you back? Does that make me respect you more? Does that make me feel sorry? Does that make me jealous? Does that make me feel sick and hurt? Well, let me just answer those. 

You would use that revenge because you don't care about me anymore. That does not make you a better person that actually makes you a pretty shitty person to do that to someone who loves you. That does not make me want you back that makes me want to push you behind me and never look back. I lost all my respect for you. It makes me feel sorry for you, because you need other people to make you happy. And more than ever.

You have no idea how many times I've cried because of your pathetic face. You're the biggest coward I have ever met, I thought I taught you well guess not that well. Your're next girl is going to be pretty lucky considering I taught you how to be a pretty amazing kisser, your fucking welcome. 

I just can't seem to get you out of my fucking head, cause my heart just wants you so much. I don't want to feel this anymore. I just don't. Please geet out of my mind. I just want my smile back, and my pride. On the plus side thank you, You made me feel confident about myself. And apparentally I made you a cocky jerk :) just absolutely wonderful we always need more of those.. jk.